We’re baaaaaaaaaack!!

We’re baaaaaaaaaack!!

Me in Time Out Melbourne - so meta

Me in Time Out Melbourne – so meta

Happy 2017! First things first: Thanks to all our wonderful clients for the mega year that was 2016. I know it was a tough one for many people but it was a huge one for the salon – and an even bigger one for me with my fame growing more and more as each day goes by. With a guest spot on a Japanese TV series about cats, an Instagram account with a serious amount of followers, and a spotlight feature on me in a recent issue of Time Out Melbourne, I’m pretty sure I’ll be the first cat to have Kardashian levels of fame – take that Grumpy Cat! But back to the salon…

Very important holiday update…

What’s the point of going on a holiday unless you can tell people about it? Over the break Chris took herself off to tropical Fiji to top up her levels of Vitamin D, Fotini blissed out in Byron Bay and David stayed at home and avoided the St Kilda beaches that stunk Melbourne up just after the New Year (sorry buddy). Anna is now on maternity leave, getting ready to welcome the newest arrival to her family.

Last day of work for 2016

Last day of work for 2016

2017, we are coming to get ya

After a fun-filled break, the salon is once again open for business Tuesday to Saturday. We are pumped to help you out with all your hair needs. We’ve even got an extra set of hands on deck to help out on Saturdays and other times when we’re run off our feet. Sarah is a lovely Canadian with lots of experience wielding hairdryers and GHDs. While we focus on the cuts and colours, Sarah will give us an extra hand with the hair washing, blow drying and all important wine bottle opening. You may have met her already, but if not, please do come in and say hi. Or better still, book a blow dry to experience the magic of Sarah.

Just a reminder you can stalk us by following the salon on Instagram @babarhair. More importantly, if you’re not following me yet, what is wrong with you? While I have more than 500 followers I’d like to have 1000 by the end of the year. You can find me here @bettyboo_thesaloncat

Until next time, Betty xx

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