New arrivals brighten up Babar Hair

New arrivals brighten up Babar Hair

It’s been a while between updates, but it’s been hard to keep up with all the action going on at the salon. As the resident feline caretaker of the salon (and blogger) I’ve had my work cut out for me with all that’s been going on. It’s been so busy I’ve had to spend most days lying down! Here’s the lowdown on what’s been happening at Babar Hair over the past few months.

Baby news!

There’s a new cute thing in town and I’m only a tiny bit jealous of all the attention she’s getting! While I don’t usually welcome anyone who will compete with me for attention and affection, I do make exceptions from time to time. At the end of January, Anna and Callum welcomed Daphne Rose Moncrieff to the world and boy is she a delightful bundle of joy (with a mini-mullet to boot). Anna is enjoying motherhood and can’t stop taking photos of her adorable daughter.

We’re now sustainable image2

We recently become a sustainable salon! At Babar Hair, we’re now recycling up to 95% of waste produced at the salon. This means we are recycling hair, chemicals, metal, paper, plastic and more in conjunction with the team from Sustainable Salons Australia. I may be a cat but I’m also smart enough to know that we need to care for our planet and reduce our impacts in whatever ways we can. That’s why I’m really proud Babar Hair is as earth-friendly as it can possibly be.



A close shave in the name of a good causeimage3 (4)

Once again, Chris volunteered to help out with the World’s Greatest Shave event. Raising much-needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation, Chris helped participants liberate their tresses from their scalp in order to satisfy the generous sponsors who chipped in to see their friends go bald. While I’m proud of Chris for taking part, I’m glad she didn’t try and convince me to take part too. I need my fur coat for winter!

It’s a sign

Ever the interiors style setters, we’ve spruced up the salon with a sexy new neon sign. I just love parading and posing underneath it. Doesn’t it look awesome?

To see the sign for yourself make an appointment with Chris or one of the team. Remember that we stay open late many nights of the week but it’s best to book appointments early so you don’t miss out. And don’t forget to give me a cuddle next time you’re in too.

With love,

Betty Boo x

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